
Need help or want to report an issue? Visit flamepixel.net/support to report bugs or players directly.

Support and Reporting Issues on Flamepixel.net

Reporting Bugs and Players via the Support Page

Visit the Support Page: Go to flamepixel.net/support.

Select the Type of Report: Choose whether you are reporting a bug or a player.

  1. For Bugs: Provide a detailed description of the issue, including steps to reproduce it if possible.

  2. For Player Reports: Include the playerโ€™s username, a description of the behavior, and any evidence you may have, such as screenshots or videos.

    Submit Your Report: Fill out the necessary information and submit the form. Our support team will review your report and take appropriate action.

  3. Provide Invoice Details: Fill out the form with the required details, including your invoice number, date, and a description of the issue or inquiry.

Reporting on Discord

Join Our Discord Server: Connect to our Discord server using this invite link.

  1. For Bugs & Player Reports, etc.: Use the #ticket-support channel to report any in-game issues & problematic behavior.

  2. Submit Your Report: Post your report in the relevant channel. A member of our moderation team will review it and address the issue as soon as possible.

For any additional assistance or inquiries, feel free to reach out to our support team through either method. Weโ€™re here to help ensure you have the best experience on Flamepixel.net!

Last updated